We have reasonable experience in field of market and consumer research, which are more business-oriented. Also we are able to cooperate with Kantar Media (UK) and TNS (Russia) in case we need international credibility and expertise. We conduct following kinds of research in the field.
Basic market research: This kind of research is conducted to get full picture of certain market. We have experience in making this kind of researches, especially for foreign customers that are interested in Mongolian market.
Market segmentation and structure research: Based on base survey, market analysts in our company make deep analysis, defining segments of the market and clarifying strategies that can make your product succeed in the market.
Customer satisfaction survey: Customer satisfaction is rated based on detailed questionnaire and analysis. This is necessary action which is have to be conducted constantly, so that customers’ can see the trend in customer satisfaction, allowing to know when and what action has to be done.
Product positioning research: Defining customers’ unsupplied demand, unsatisfied necessity is base of developing product that will succeed in the market.
Advertisement effect measurement: Evaluate how customers’ have perceived certain PR campaign and define its effect. This is basic information with benefit of more accurate PR planning in the future.
Any other research on customer request: We have all the necessary experience and expertise to conduct any kind of research on customer request.