As of today Maxima Consulting has 60 full time employees and over 50 part-time staff, including consultants, experts, survey and media researchers, survey takers and administrative assistants.
Maxima’s survey and consulting team consists of 24 full time researchers who are responsible for data collection, data processing and cleaning, data analyzing and reporting. Maxima Consulting has superior potential to extend the research team up to 100 researchers depending on a particular survey scope and feature.
Maxima Consulting LLC understands that our people are the key of our success. As part of our research team, international experts and consultants teams work online. There are Harvard and Cambridge professors and experts within the experts’ team. They sometimes work online and if necessary the experts come to Mongolia to monitor and advice on our survey and research process.
Maxima Consulting LLC is proud of its researchers who have graduated from internationally and nationally accredited universities such as National University of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Science and Technology etc.
With regards to media monitoring, the company has 2 managers who are in charge of content monitoring and advertising monitoring respectively. 10 full time researchers who handle the daily TV and Press monitoring work under the direct supervision of the two managers. Our media monitoring team has over 6 years of experience in the field and work hard in order to provide high quality media monitoring and analyzing services to our clients such as Starcom, Media Vest, and OMD Group.