Research Methodology

Research design, methodology is developed for every research case. We have used following methodology in many researches and fully capable of using it effectively.


Quantitative methods


Questionnaire: This is way of getting information without coming to direct contact with the respondent. Respondents will read the printed questionnaire and choose or write the answers themselves. This method is suitable when there is need to cover many respondents in short term.


One-on-one interview: Researcher will come to direct contact, extracting the required information through conversation. This method is not limited to certain answers allowing to get broader information from respondent.


Standard interview: This method takes respondents’ answer on very strict questions, allowing respondent to take time to think about the question. Questions and necessary information are defined in advance.


Semi-standard interview: This method takes respondents’ answer on very strict questions /open question can be used/, but also noting other ideas give by respondents.


Free interview: Depending on the research goal, this method takes information from respondent without certain strict questions. In this case, interviewer will have to note his/her own questions as well as all the answers and ideas from respondents /using Dictaphone/.


Telephone interview: By this method we call the respondents and ask questions on phone, without having to reach the respondent, hence saving time and cost. Phone number sampling is defined in advance or randomly chosen. Even though this method will save cost and time, disadvantages can be probable sampling error (Due to probability of some respondents can deny conversation and coverage of phone users)


Qualitative methods


Focus group discussion: This method will analyze deep perception, awareness and trend about certain subject.

Focus group interview is conducted with simultaneous 8-10 respondents. Under the moderation from interview moderator, discussion goes around the main subject. Research is conducted in specific room using certain tools and also video, audio recording is done for further analysis. Respondent who already included in other methods of research with same subject isn’t participated in focus group interview. Focus group respondents are carefully chosen. In some case, to choose the respondents suitable for the subject, experimental research has to be made.

We have rooms dedicated for focus group discussion, which allows researchers and customers to observe the discussion. Discussion transcription is made from audio file.


In-depth interview: This is type of one-on-one research aimed to deeply understand opinion, trend, perception and motives about the subject. Behavioral trend, all kinds of definition and understanding can be analyzed by this method.

Interviewer will have to notice not only answers, but related psychological changes and behavioral association. So the interviewer will have to be professional researcher capable of that. In-depth interview is conducted with certain questions or talk freely around the subject. This is suitable method in case of special or hard-to-find respondents.

Our vision

2014: CATI research

CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) is a research method with definite advantages of time, accuracy, cost. We are planning to introduce this method by TNS (Russia) standard in 2014. Generally this is telephone interview but assisted by unified computer system. General planning is as follows.

  • 30 САТI work unit ;
  • Special software;
  • Automated system that controls sample quote;
  • Archiving and extracting of audio recordings;
  • Experienced interviewer;
  • On-time control system;


Advantages of CATI method:

  • Automated database;
  • Answers and results are reported automatically;
  • Sample and quoting is controlled;
  • Automatic filtering;
  • Automatic quality checking;
  • Answer choice are based on software;
  • Easy to use;
  • Directly put to database after the interview is finished;
  • Every interview is recorded in case of further evaluation and analysis;
  • Fast
  • Low cost


CATI research types:

  • Advertisement effect measurement
  • Public opinion or expectation about certain event or subject
  • Majority trend about certain subject
  • To define detailed characteristics of certain social group
  • To define satisfaction about certain subject